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Mae Get Connected yn yr app

#shop #tech

Welcome to Get Connected, the people friendly phone shop. We pride ourselves on excellent customer service.

Open 9-5 Monday to Friday. Open 10-4 on Saturday.

Mobile phone contracts on a variety of networks, tablets, watches, accessories and more

Tel: 01970630099

Terrace Road


Lawrlwythwch Ap Aberystwyth a darganfod mwy am Get Connected

Aberystwyth App for Android   Aberystwyth App for iPhone/iOS

Y gorau o Aberystwyth


Gwobrau a chynigion unigryw i fusnesau lleol annibynnol


Cyhoeddwyd gan sefydliadau lleol a phobl fel chi

Bws & Thrên

Gwybodaeth trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus amser real

A’n canllaw ymwelwyr i Aberystwyth, gwybodaeth am y llanw, newyddion a llawer mwy.

Aberystwyth App for Android   Aberystwyth App for iPhone/iOS

Lawrlwythwch Ap Aberystwyth heddiw