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Mae Aber Technologies yn yr app


Aber Technologies, nestled in the vibrant Aberystwyth Market Hall, is the innovative force behind the Aberystwyth App. As your local tech publisher, we are dedicated to enhancing community connectivity through digital solutions. The Aberystwyth App and aberystwyth.io is your go-to guide for exploring the best of Aberystwyth, offering real-time updates, event listings, and exclusive local deals. Our mission is to bring the heart of Aberystwyth to your fingertips, making it easier than ever to discover and enjoy everything the town has to offer.


Lawrlwythwch Ap Aberystwyth a darganfod mwy am Aber Technologies

Aberystwyth App for Android   Aberystwyth App for iPhone/iOS

Y gorau o Aberystwyth


Gwobrau a chynigion unigryw i fusnesau lleol annibynnol


Cyhoeddwyd gan sefydliadau lleol a phobl fel chi

Bws & Thrên

Gwybodaeth trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus amser real

A’n canllaw ymwelwyr i Aberystwyth, gwybodaeth am y llanw, newyddion a llawer mwy.

Aberystwyth App for Android   Aberystwyth App for iPhone/iOS

Lawrlwythwch Ap Aberystwyth heddiw