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Mae HAHAV Charity Shop yn yr app

#shop #charity

Our shop at 14 Pier Street, is a well-loved Aberystwyth landmark, and an important source of funding for the service. The high standard of donations and dedication of our volunteers have helped build a great relationship with our customers who keep coming back for more high quality bargains!

Address: 14 Pier Street, Aberystwyth

About HAHAV Hospice At Home: Helping people with chronic, life-limiting illness in Ceredigion make the most of the precious time they have left. Volunteers remain at the heart of our charity, gifting thousands of hours each year to support our small staff team to deliver services and generate income; with transformational impact.


Lawrlwythwch Ap Aberystwyth a darganfod mwy am HAHAV Charity Shop

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Y gorau o Aberystwyth


Gwobrau a chynigion unigryw i fusnesau lleol annibynnol


Cyhoeddwyd gan sefydliadau lleol a phobl fel chi

Bws & Thrên

Gwybodaeth trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus amser real

A’n canllaw ymwelwyr i Aberystwyth, gwybodaeth am y llanw, newyddion a llawer mwy.

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Lawrlwythwch Ap Aberystwyth heddiw