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Mae Spirito Santos yn yr app


Crystal Seller by day and Paranormal Investigator by night.

Monday 10am-4pm Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5pm Sunday Closed

Come along and find our crystal curiousity shop - full to the brim with Crystals, Divination tools, Alter materials, Tarot and Oracle cards, Tumble, Spell Jars for your life's needs, Beginner Crystal sets and much more!

Also Join our social media to join live crystal sales and paranormal investigators in location in and around Aberystwyth. Such as the Castle Grounds, Market Hall, Constitution hill and many more.

Address: Unit 4D (Outside) Aberystwyth Market Hall, Great Darkgate Street, SY23 1DW


Lawrlwythwch Ap Aberystwyth a darganfod mwy am Spirito Santos

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Y gorau o Aberystwyth


Gwobrau a chynigion unigryw i fusnesau lleol annibynnol


Cyhoeddwyd gan sefydliadau lleol a phobl fel chi

Bws & Thrên

Gwybodaeth trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus amser real

A’n canllaw ymwelwyr i Aberystwyth, gwybodaeth am y llanw, newyddion a llawer mwy.

Aberystwyth App for Android   Aberystwyth App for iPhone/iOS

Lawrlwythwch Ap Aberystwyth heddiw