Our voices are louder when we speak together. Democracy is all about who shows up.
Citizens in Ceredigion are passionate about important issues. There are groups focused on peace, food sustainability, climate and the environment, refugees, economic prosperity and more.
Most can be found on Facebook or online:
- Aberystwyth Peace and Justice Network
- CND Cymru
- Aber Food Surplus. https://www.aberfoodsurplus.co.uk/
- Aber Eco Hub https://ecohubaber.com/actions/
- Extinction Rebellion https://extinctionrebellion.uk/
- Electoral Reform Society https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/campaigns/
- Ceredigion Bus Action Group
- Surfers against Sewage
Tell us about others to add to this list!
The same tips for individuals apply to groups:
- Be respectful
- Seek advice from elected officials and public servants
- Take time to get engaged
Our democracy moves slowly, so be patient and learn the best mechanisms to collaborate, compromise, and help those who work for you make the best decisions.